martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

Faces of Astronomy

Faces of Astronomy
Name: Fernando Roquel Torres
Location: Caguas, Puerto Rico
From an early age, I was always fascinated by all kinds of topics related to space and the pursuit of knowledge in reference to Where do we come from? If my body is made of minerals formed in the stars ... we are part of them? Where we go? and other similar issues.
After completing my studies in May 2011, I joined local and international astronomical societies. Thanks to social networks and the media in the country, have been known for astrophotography and astronomical all age groups explanations. Currently, I participate actively as Astrophotographer astronomy popularizer and networks, schools, universities, technology centers and social media in the country and abroad.
I am currently the editor "Astronomia sin Fronteras" (Astronomers without Borders) in Facebook which perform various activities on astronomical disclosure to the general public in Puerto Rico


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